Sulphate of ammonia ….. fixing agent..used to create the correct ph level in the dyebath.
Citric Acid- a mild powder used with acid dye to establish the dyebath to the optimum ph level of 4.5-5.
Acetic Acid 30%.. Textile dye & printing additive. For use in establishing the dye bath to the optimum ph level of 4.5-5. Promotes even exhaustion & minimizes fibre damage.
Glaubers Salts- Used as a levelling agent to assist in dispersing the dye evenly throughout the dyebath. Important addition to dyebath when dyeing lighter shades.
Albegal Set - Levelling agent used with Lanaset Dyes to optimize fibre & surface levelling. Promotes even exhaustion & excellent dye distribution.
Lyogen NH- Levelling agent for dyeing with acid and metal complex dyes. Improves penetration and surface levelness of the dyeing.
Sodium Acetate- crystals -is a dyeing assistant which combined with acetic acid 30% creates a buffered solution which helps to maintain a constant PH. Promotes even absorbtion of the dye & minimizes fibre damage.
Soda Ash- Used to increase the Ph level. Commonly used in setting fibre reactive dyes with cellulose fibres. (The active ingredient in washing soda)
Albegal Set$6.60
Lyogen NH$6.60
Glaubers Salts$3.30
Citric Acid$4.73
Sodium Acetate$4.40
Acetic Acid$4.40
Soda Ash$4.40
Ammonium Sulphate$3.30